Kendra Killikelly-Gourgue (b.2000, Manhattan, NY) is a curator, researcher, multi-faceted artist and creative director living and working in New York City. Her intersectionality based research and curatorial practices assert that teaching marginalized peoples that all forms of self-expression are creative art has the power to drastically change self-love and community building practices. With experience working in museums and galleries, having a traveling gallery of her own creation, and as a recent grad with an independent major that they crafted; titled “Intersectional Art Studies”, Kendra is deeply passionate about innovation and future-forward thinking. She seeks to create inclusive artistic experiences that foster marginalized peoples at their many intersections of existence, and is open to all opportunities that include aiding, educating, and supporting the creativity within their communities.
Honors & Awards
2022. Unity in Community Scholarship Creator
2022. Binghamton University's First Individualized Major Program Honors Student
2022. Binghamton University President's Award
2022. Dory Knoll Student Curator Award, Binghamton University
2021. Maurice Bishop Memorial Scholarship Awardee
2022. Joel Robinson Scholarship Awardee
2021. Marytere Award, Juvenile Urban Multicultural Program
2021. Soaring Game Changer Award. Binghamton University NAACP
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